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Prepping For Beginners - Your Bug Out Bag And Get Home Bag

Offline Ken K7KBJ

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Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Net has been posted.
Continuing our Prepping For Beginners series, we discussed your Bug Out Bags And Get Home Bags.
Here's your link:   http://www.nnpg.net/050918_radio.shtml

Here's the chat room transcript:

KG7MZO - Glenda joined the channel
8:00:23 PM
KG7MZO - Glenda
Good evening Fred
awfully quiet in here tonight
8:00:49 PM
AC1BN - Fred
Hi Glenda
8:01:54 PM
Josh K7ZIM joined the channel
8:02:03 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Evening everyone.
Horrible audio from the link today!
8:06:29 PM
Lara Lmedelli joined the channel
8:06:43 PM
Lara Lmedelli
Evening all
8:06:49 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Hi lara
8:07:23 PM
K9RVM - Rob joined the channel
KI7WHH joined the channel
8:08:11 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Hi rob and whh
8:08:24 PM
K9RVM - Rob
Good evening Josh
8:08:31 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile joined the channel
8:08:53 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Hi ken
8:09:28 PM
K9RVM - Rob
Glenda, you doubled with a check in....
8:10:42 PM
KG7MZO - Glenda
Thanks Rob
8:10:41 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
Hi everyone
8:12:34 PM
KG7MZO - Glenda
Well everyone.  Welcome and thank you for joining the net tonight
8:12:41 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
Glenda, I had to restart my PC. Please copy the chat and send it to me. I probably missed some stuff before I finally got in.
8:12:52 PM
KG7MZO - Glenda
8:13:04 PM
Lara Lmedelli
pleasure to be here
8:13:21 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
I put Rob's pack on my back once. OMG !!!! He's right.
8:13:28 PM
TWP joined the channel
8:13:36 PM
Late, but I made it
8:13:42 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
Lara, we're glad you are here too!
8:13:43 PM
HI all
8:13:49 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
8:13:55 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Hi twp
Silver and some cash
8:19:01 PM
I have some smaller denomination silver..  One ounce is large = valuable.  Dimes, quarters, halves seems wise
8:19:37 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Grams, 10gram bars.
8:20:16 PM
Are the well marked?  Easily verified?
8:20:31 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
propane stove, water, percolator, coffee and a cup. That sets it up for me !
8:20:49 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Ya i get em from the coin shop in carson.
8:20:58 PM
Lara Lmedelli
I hadn't thought of adding silver "change". I come across it pretty often. Great addition to make
8:21:30 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Thats my girls exact pack contents too ken!
8:21:45 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
8:21:49 PM
KG7MZO - Glenda
8:22:12 PM
K9RVM - Rob
when traveling I find that cash is king. silver may not play as well when trying to buy necessary items on the road. I find only Preppers realize the value of silver coins.
8:22:15 PM
Josh K7ZIM
It is imo too lara.
8:23:33 PM
My GHB is what I normally carry when I'm about town.  We don't go far, 5-10 miles max.
8:23:53 PM
K9RVM - Rob
surprisingly a shaving kit, wool socks and a change of underwear has served me better than anything else I carry. And Ken's right about having a cup, a way to brew some coffee comes in handy at least every other trip.
8:24:19 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Rob, i buy silver as an investment for the future so i just have it. Lol! Many spirited debates with many people as to the whys of having it.
8:24:51 PM
Rob, you're traveling in a pre-event world.  I wouldn't expect many people to value silver coins, right now.
8:24:55 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Socks! God yes socks!
8:25:35 PM
K9RVM - Rob
I keep the silver tucked away just in case but I'm not carrying anything like that.
I built my bags on the "hydrated, dry and warm" principle and took it from there. It turned out to be a good starting point for me.
8:27:00 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Its my retirement fund! I dont figure that by the time im old enough to retire that there will be anything to retire with! Lol!
8:27:24 PM
KG7MZO - Glenda
Honestly, silver is not as valuable post-event either.  Prepper survivors in Puerto Rico said silver still was not useful post-event in acquiring supplies.  Containers for gas and water and access to a generator were the most valuable
8:27:32 PM
I can see having some fiat cash.  There will be a time at the begging of a serious crunch when it will still have value.  People (non-preppers) will trust that "money" will remain valuable.
8:27:43 PM
KG7MZO - Glenda
Personally, silver is a long-term wealth builder
8:27:59 PM
K9RVM - Rob
I get that Josh. I'm hedging my bets the same way. I have a regular savings account and then I have my Prepper supplies. I figure either way I'm ahead of the game.
8:28:00 PM
Lara Lmedelli
I'm leaning towards cold hard cash too...
8:28:05 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Ya, water, fire and shelter as a starting point was a good way for me too!
8:28:10 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
Here are some links to previous nets about this topic for some additional information....
8:29:31 PM
K9RVM - Rob
We've dipped into the cash multiple times while traveling. It has happened multiple times when stopping somewhere I find the credit card machines are down. It gives me piece of mind.
8:29:35 PM
Puerto Rico is a case-in-point.  People did expect the economy to recover after the hurricane.  They were not ready to change to silver/gold as currency.
8:29:38 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Addong a small fishing kit to for those of us around water! You can pack alot of fishing gear into an altoids tin!
8:30:18 PM
KG7MZO - Glenda
The bag in my Jeep has been the most used for so many situations and for a wide variety of needs
None of the planning I do is based on a post-apocolytic world
8:30:46 PM
K9RVM - Rob
Some wet wipes and toilet paper has been dipped into a lot as well.
8:31:14 PM
KG7MZO - Glenda
I focus on disaster and crisis planning - things that are the most probable to happen to me or my family in my lifetime
I am not a dooms-dayer
8:31:38 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
Here are some helpful files from our website...
8:31:54 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Compressed cotton type paper towels. Just a bit of water and they're pretty sturdy.
8:32:20 PM
K9RVM - Rob
I don't carry for a post-apocalypse event. It just seems so unlikely. I carry to get home in the advent of a natural disaster or getting stuck somewhere for a couple of days.
8:32:45 PM
Glenda, "Hope for the best, Plan for the worst".  You're covered (hopefully) for both cases.
8:32:48 PM
K9RVM - Rob
You're right Josh. I love those towels. I've gone through a lot of them over the years for different things.
8:33:12 PM
KG7MZO - Glenda
Agree with Josh and Rob on those compressed towels
They definitely serve their purpose well
8:33:42 PM
Has anybody found a press that can make those compressed paper towels?
8:33:45 PM
Josh K7ZIM
I love em!
8:34:21 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
Can the paper towels be put into a seal-a-meal bag?
8:34:26 PM
Josh K7ZIM
I got mine off ebay. Like 200 for $20 but that was a few years ago.
8:34:31 PM
KG7MZO - Glenda
TWP...we are going to have to come to an understanding that we are both at very different places with our prepping philospohies
8:34:32 PM
K9RVM - Rob
I wore out my food saver packing up everything in sealed bags to keep it all dry and organized.
8:34:37 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
Or would that be counter-productive?
8:35:09 PM
Glenda, I'm ok with that.
8:35:14 PM
K9RVM - Rob
No Ken. Almost everything of value that shouldn't get wet is in a seal-a-meal bag or heavy duty ziplock
8:36:06 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
Rob, I'm really looking forward to having a counter where I can set up my seal-a-meal machine !
8:36:35 PM
Lara Lmedelli
8:36:52 PM
K9RVM - Rob
I've come to think of the food sealer as a Prepper "must have" item.
8:37:28 PM
KG7MZO - Glenda
On my wish list
8:37:44 PM
K9RVM - Rob
There's nothing better than opening up a dry pair of socks on a wet trip!
I have a small fishing kit in my bag as well Josh and a gill net. I wish I could find a surefire bait though so I don't have to keep "best guesses" in the kit.
8:40:56 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Rob in your opinion, whats a good food sealer?
8:41:48 PM
K9RVM - Rob
The walmart food saver has been gold for me. It's pretty much bullet proof.
8:42:05 PM
Lara Lmedelli
Rob, What's the $$ on that item?
8:42:12 PM
Josh K7ZIM
I also have a folding crab trap for the mud bugs.
8:42:45 PM
Mmmmm Crawdads boiled in beer!
8:42:50 PM
K9RVM - Rob
And Amazon carries all kinds of different bags of various sizes. I stick to the "freezer" grade bags when buying more. Years later they are still doing their job.
8:42:54 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Awesome thanks! I dont know anyone that has one to ask. Web searches are spotty at best.
8:43:32 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
surefire bait is https://www.cabelas.com/product/Pautzkes-Balls-OFire-Salmon-Eggs/701987.uts?productVariantId=1240108&WT.tsrc=PPC&WT.mc_id=GoogleProductAds&WT.z_mc_id1=11137000&rid=20&ds_rl=1252079&gclid=Cj0KCQjwuMrXBRC_ARIsALWZrIgSfh4F3Pcoa3d_6eAXKPFzXbcPI_LIc6zWk3M_PDLDd7ldnwmS3xgaAnCJEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Works every time
8:44:18 PM
K9RVM - Rob
Lara - They are between $32 to $55 depending on the make.
8:44:56 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Right twp! We have lots of cannales and reservoirs around me with yummy crawdads in em!
And tiny fresh water clams. So good but you need a ton of em!
8:45:56 PM
Lara Lmedelli
Thanks Rob, that's more cost effective than I thought! 
8:46:05 PM
K9RVM - Rob
Lara - besides for sealing up gear in a kit, bag or 72-hour kit they truly do keep food longer in the freezer and refrigerator.
8:46:06 PM
Lara Lmedelli
You guys are making me so hungry....!  :)
8:46:32 PM
Josh K7ZIM
8:46:51 PM
Josh, I don't know if we have crayfish in our cold rivers here (Reno), but perhaps some of the slower creeks?
8:47:33 PM
Josh K7ZIM
I havent tryed the Truckee river. Good question!
8:47:54 PM
K9RVM - Rob
This has traveled well in my kit in a seal a meal bag for individual meals. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0039QXWPM/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&th=1
I add a bouillon cube and a little Ms. Dash for an "just add hot water" meal while traveling and camping.
8:49:01 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Rob, can it also seal mylar bags too?
8:49:01 PM
Lara Lmedelli
TWP, I've caught crawdads in pyramid..... and in Frenchmen's   Not sure about the Truckee.
8:49:18 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
Lots of crawdads in the Truckee
8:50:00 PM
Lara, Pyramid lake is within my range.  Thanks.
8:50:25 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
good night all.
8:50:25 PM
Ken  Good, I'll check later this summer.
8:50:29 PM
K9RVM - Rob
Awesome. Thanks Rescue Chicken.
8:50:29 PM
Ken K7KBJ - Mobile
See you next week
buk buk buk
8:50:53 PM
K9RVM - Rob
Goodnight all.
8:50:54 PM
AC1BN - Fred left the channel (quit)
8:50:56 PM
Lara Lmedelli
Have a great night all ya'all   
8:50:57 PM
Josh K7ZIM
Good net glenda thanks! Night all!
8:51:15 PM
Night all
8:51:19 PM
KG7MZO - Glenda
Thanks everyone.  Great net tonight
8:51:48 PM
TWP left the channel (c29f3f4a7e4ca8c36a13d8a4ecd69d41fbe3ea2c)

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Offline Jerry D Young

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Re: Prepping For Beginners - Your Bug Out Bag And Get Home Bag
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2018, 11:51:06 AM »
Thank you, Ken.

I will post my thoughts on BOBs and GHBs separately.

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Jerry D Young

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and always remember TANSTAAFL

(TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - Robert A. Heinlein)

Offline Jerry D Young

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Re: Prepping For Beginners - Your Bug Out Bag And Get Home Bag
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2018, 05:37:18 PM »
Attached is a general purpose kit. I know the list may seem long and heavy and expensive to put together. It is not a beginner's kit, for sure. However, as is stated in the article, I believe that by doing it this way, besides saving me a ton of work for these lazy old bones and rather addled brain, there are some advantages.

Just do not get overwhelmed. You really do not need, or even will not want, everything in this list. Prepping is a highly individualized process. Take what is useful for you from the list, and only that. If it will not work for you now, or even ever, simply pass on it and look at the next item.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.

Just my opinion.

Well, having trouble attaching a file again.

I will copy and paste the article until I can figure out what is wrong.

Multi-purpose/Long Range/Extended Time Kit

Be aware that this is not a beginning prepper’s kit. Although the net meeting was primarily for beginners, I am hoping that this full list for those that are capable of taking advantage of everything will allow a beginner to make the choices of what to put in their own kit right now, but with the other options in mind to add later.

If a person starts with a future goal, meeting intermediate goals I think is often easier. It can prevent duplication, replacing some items with others later, and will help deciding on current items that might have to do double duty now, lacking some of the additional items that will not be in the kit.

Just do not get overwhelmed or discouraged. I have been doing this for over fifty years and am pretty set in my ways, though always looking for additional options and possibilities. Start slow, make sure you have Basic Human Needs met for each person and animal that will be with you. The niceties, up-scale items, lower priority items, and such can all come later.

I managed to get through quite a few non-, near-, and full disaster situations without having everything I have now. So, believe me, you do not need it all. It might make some things easier. But your brain, and its ability to reason through things, come up with alternatives, and create totally new options is the most powerful ‘thing’ that a prepper has.

One other thing that I want to point out is that someone might call a kit something specific, and that may be the primary intended purpose, but any kit that covers Basic Human Needs has most of the items needed to serve many other purposes. A BOB is essentially the same as a GHB, for the most part. If you can ‘go’ with it, you can probably ‘return’ with it. So use modules to add functionality to kits that do need to be able to accomplish certain tasks that the general items will not.

But if a person tries to include every item necessary for every application in each kit, you will wind up with a huge amount of duplication of resources, which is often good, but when money is tight, not so much.

The following list is for my Multi-purpose Kit. It includes items to allow me to travel significant distances, under adverse conditions, while also being able to hole up somewhere along the route for a while, if necessary.

Since my ultimate BOL is over two-hundred miles from Reno, Nevada, by Interstate Highway, and could be much further if the direct route is blocked, I have set this kit the way I have. A longer route almost always means more time spent travelling, so this is also a factor.

But the time would be, anyway, as one can never know for sure just how long it will take for even a local, short trip, due to many factors. Routes blocked by landslides, by snow, by flooding, by law enforcement, by… I think you get the idea.

There is just no way a person can be guaranteed to Bug-Out to a given location, and get there in the same amount of time that has been possible during normal circumstances, much less during an event that can disrupt not just one or two aspects of a trip, but many.

Though I do have several other kits for more specific purposes, this multi-purpose long range kit is my primary kit that I try to keep ready for use during any emergency. Since I cannot carry much on my back, I use a game cart to handle the overwhelming majority of the items, since it is heavy.

I can certainly be used at home, in a bug in scenario, carried in a pickup or on a rear platform carrier on a car for use when motorized transport is available. Or it can be pushed/pulled by hand or with the assistance of properly trained work animals. This is a key factor for me. My primary plan for the majority of things that could occur that might necessitate the use of this kit is to stay at home, and use my day-to-day living items until the problems are resolved.

Only if it appears that I will not be able to be resupplied at my current living location, I would have to leave to go somewhere I could get the items I need. In a similar vein, due to the inherent hazards of travelling in normal times, and the much higher likelihood of many additional dangers when travelling during a disaster or other event, I prefer to stay at home.

However, I evaluate the situation constantly, using a wide variety of information acquisition sources, and if it becomes likely that staying at home can or will become more dangerous than heading for another, known to be safe, place, I will then bug-out, using the most appropriate transport possible.

That could be my truck, a ride with a friend, motorcycle, bicycle, and finally, if absolutely necessary, on foot. The fully loaded game cart would be taken if at all possible no matter what form of transportation is used.

If I must be on foot, that means it will take me longer, much longer, to get where I am headed, whether it be across town, or all the way to Winnemucca. The weather could be 110°F and dry as a bone in the desert, with not a sign of a breeze, to -20°F with a foot of snow on the ground and 40 mph winds blowing more snow into white out conditions.

Along with the fact that water is scarce in a desert, even the high desert, and good water even more scarce, I must carry anything and everything I may need to counter any of the natural phenomenon that could occur, as well as any that the disaster can cause, plus any human caused problems of people needing/deserving/wanting what you have because they do not have.

Since I have to use the game cart anyway, I take advantage of the weight & space capacity and take rather more than most people recommend. Some of the additional weight and space is in the gear, but much of it, however, is in food. I can last well over a month just on what food I have with me.

If the situation changes, or is such that I must lighten or reduce the size of the load, I can merely drop or cache what I do not need and keep going. I pack using a modular system to both make it easy to pack to start with, to quickly leave items behind or add others if a situation calls for them, to quickly cache items on the way if some must be left behind, and to use the items during the trip, and when reaching the destination.

I do not like, and make every effort to avoid, having to dig through every tote, bag, ditty, pocket, and pouch to find something. And then have to put everything I do not need back before I can use the one item, just in case I/we must move quickly without notice. Having things in modular sub-kits makes this much easier.

The following list can be used as any of the acronym ‘standard’ kit terms, such as an Evac kit/bag; BOB kit/bag; BIB kit/bag; GOOD kit/bag; INCH kit/bag; GHB kit/bag; Stranded kit/bag; FEMA shelter kit/bag; DHS kit/bag; Red Cross/Salvation Army/Church shelter kit/bag; and many others.

As can be seen when one reads the list, that items will need to be left behind or cached before reaching some of the destinations, as those items are prohibited in a few of the locations that would be used by the parties listed. Much easier with modularity.

I was going to do this list with each module listed, and which would be used for what. But, besides being very lazy, those choices will be different for just about every person doing a kit.

For many of the consumables, such as food, I will split them up in a couple of different ways. First are the basics. Three days of easy to eat, including when walking; satisfying; and high in protein and fats to provide the energy needed when under stress while physically active.

A second module that can be separate, or in the 3-day food module, are meal adjuncts, such as tea bags, hot chocolate packets, sugar packets, Coffee Mate, salt packets, bouillon cubes, Coffee Crystals/bags, hard candy, gum, and other items to enhance the other foods and to allow for a hot drink if it is possible to heat the water.

Additional modules include other meal choices, including only-hot-water-added meals such as instant grits, instant oats, instant potatoes, Mountain House camper’s meal pouches, a few canned meat items (but keep the weight down), dried fruit, and the like. Can be 3-day modules, 5-day, 7-day, and they can be added as needed. The same with the adjunct modules. 3-, 5-, 7- day versions.

So, note that there are often multiple items listed that can be used for the same or similar purpose(s). What I do, is group items together that compliment each other, based on a key item, and make that group of items a module. Here are a few examples, for fire. The concept can be used for all aspects of a kit like this.

The following list is divided into the different elements required to make a fire. For each Fire Module, select one from each of the first six, and one from the other two if needed. (Note: Do Not Carry Potassium Permanganate & Glycerin together. Keep them well separated. Also not that they do not work all that well in cooler temps.)

1)   Ignition sources
a)   Lightning Strike ferrocerium rod fire starter
b)   AllWeatherFireStarters.com large magnesium rod/ferro rod fire starter w/scraper
c)   Swedish fire steel
d)   AAA/AA/9v battery – used with steel wool, chewing gum wrapper
e)   Potassium permanganate (granular powder) & glycerin (warmer temps)
f)   UCO Titan Matches
g)   Bic lighter – regular size
h)   Bic lighter – small size
i)   Zippo lighter
j)   Blast match
k)   Fresnel lens
l)   Magnifying glass
m)    Fire piston
n)   Fire drill
o)   Fire hand stick
p)   Fire plow
q)   Flint & Steel
r)   Strike anywhere matches
2)   Spark catchers
a)   Fatwood – tiny shavings, powder
b)   Lightning Strike Napalm fire starting tinder
c)   Life-Fire tin tinder/candle
d)   Char cloth
e)   Dried bird’s nest
f)   Sisal rope/twine – unravel and make birds nest
g)   Manila rope/twine – unravel and make birds nest
h)   Cotton twine – saturate with Vaseline or wax
i)   Cotton balls – saturate with Vaseline or wax
j)   Makeup cleansing pads – saturate with Vaseline or wax
k)   Punk wood
l)   Dry leaves/pine needles
m)    Dry fungus
n)   Cattail fuzz (very dry)
o)   Steel wool used with spark maker and small batteries
3)   Small tinder
a)   Fatwood – large shavings
b)   Dry twigs
c)   Hobby/craft/popsicle sticks – split down small
d)   Dowel rods – tiny, broken or cut into short pieces
4)   Intermediate tinder
a)   Fatwood – matchstick size pieces
b)   Hobby/craft/popsicle sticks – standard sizes split down
c)   Small dowel rods – smaller ones, broken into small pieces
5)   Full size tinder
a)   Fatwood – larger pieces but do not waste it
b)   Small dowel rods – larger ones, cut or break to good length
c)   Hobby/craft/popsicle sticks – larger sizes, split if needed
6)   Flame time extenders
a)   LifeFire tin
b)   Candle stub
c)   Votive candle
d)   Tea light candle
7)   Accelerants
a)   Lighter fluid
b)   Gasoline
c)   Diesel
d)   Wax
e)   Oils
f)   Vaseline
g)   Chapstick
8)   Fire starting aids
a)   Large drinking straw – mouth air blowing direction aid
b)   Large drinking straws – stuff with Vaseline saturated cotton balls & seal, split open to use
c)   Piece of rawhide - coal catcher/carrier for friction fires
d)   Zippo single fill fuel canister – carries fuel for Zippo lighters
e)   Match striker strips – even for strike anywhere matches
f)   Eye dropper – use with glycerin, use with water
g)   Water – use with glycerin and potassium permanganate

(The following list is a fairly comprehensive pick and choose option list covering all four seasons and the terrain here in the High Desert. Not everyone needs everything. Some items would be left behind or cached, depending on the circumstances here. Other areas would require a different selection. And there are cheaper options available for some of the items for those on a tight budget.)

(Also note that some of the items listed in the sub-kits are not carried together, but are in the backup supplies. I kept them together in the list for clarity)

As to quantities of consumables, since I can carry much more on the game cart than I can on my back, I go for one month plus. I think three days minimum, seven days much better, and a month or more preferred. You will eat more when on the move than when bugging in, so up the amounts you think you would eat by 10% - 25%. Somewhere in the kit should be important documents in a water proof container.

Now, this, or something very similar is my goal. While I have many of the items, I am far from having all. And I have some substitutions for some of the items listed.

Since EDC (Every Day Carry) is an integral part of my system, I have listed it first. If anyone does not carry some of these items with them all the time, add them to the kit somewhere else.

Clothing & EDC:
Prescription glasses w/Transition lenses; Wiley X JP-2-510 photochromic sunglasses – the only ones of quality I could find; Android Smartphone loaded with prep apps; 10,000+mAh power pack w/cord; 1 AN/UDR 13 radiation monitor; Yaesu VX-8DR handheld Amateur radio w/spare batteries & AAA battery case; TERA TR-505 16-channel VHF handheld (MURS, Amateur, Weather)(short range comms) w/spare batteries; 2x Maglite Solitaire LED flashlight; Redi-edge knife sharpener; whistle; Cold Steel Voyager medium plain edge pocket knife; medications in cache tube; 2 bandannas; Bic lighter; Zippo lighter in belt pouch w/2 fuel tubes; GeoTube w/Duracell Quantum AAA batteries; Gentleman’s SAK; Leatherman Micra; eyeglass screwdriver tool; GeoTube w/eyeglass screws; P-51 can opener; 3x handcuff key; Res-Q-Me seatbelt cutter/window breaker; 2x slim USB drive; USB LED light; Write In The Rain notebook w/Fresnel lens inside; 2 Fisher tactical clip cap Space pens; Write In The Rain mechanical pencil; Seiko SNZG15K1 self-winding watch; Leather change purse w/silver coins for emergencies (The change purse keeps them together, separate from other things in the pocket); leather wallet w/Ready-Man wallet lock pick, survival & E&E cards, folding knife; Leatherman Rebar multi-tool in belt pouch; 40oz SS Kleen Kanteen water bottle w/carabiner clipped to belt loop; and permethrin treated clothing (Propper khaki cargo pants; Propper 2 pocket khaki shirt w/epaulets; Bullhide belts leather money belt w/cash & PMs; leather suspenders; WinterSilks V-neck T-shirt; WinterSilks boxer briefs; Merino wool socks; leather safari jacket w/light leather gloves; Henschel wide brim leather hat w/Petzl TacTikka RGB+ headlamp; pocket no-see-um headnet; Mission EnduraCool multi-cool tube scarf; Danner Quarry boots); Beretta Tomcat .32 ACP and Cold Steel Counter Tac II boot knife in ankle holster and 2 spare magazines in off-side ankle pouch; crook handle cane or Shepard’s hook

Add for winter: insulated leather gloves; ear warmers; silk or wool scarf/shemagh; Winter Silks silk and/or Eddie Bauer Merino wool V-neck long john shirt and pants; silk sock and glove liners; silk balaclava; Merino wool balaclava; second layer wool socks; toe, foot, and hand warmer packets; CaBoots lambswool lined shotgun boots

When bugging out add on your person:
•   Peltor Comtact II dual radio talk through hearing protection communications headset – best available I have  found
•   2 extra tan bandannas
•   Hatch Operator lightweight gloves – good for mild weather tasks that are hard on the hands.
•   Hatch XTAK tan elbow pads – I fall down a lot
•   Hatch XTAK tan knee pads – Ditto above
•   Pantac Wallet Mod C wallet (stash wallet with cash, ID, survival wallet cards)
•   Spyderco CO8 Harpy pocket clip knife – hawkbill serrated blade for getting out of lines, nets, and is a wicked last ditch weapon
•   Tec-tite Tekna Ocean Edge Arm knife – an option for the boot knife. Already has harness for arm use
•   Nikon compact binoculars on chest harness (alternate: Steiner 7x50rc M50rc Commander Military Binoculars) – have the Nikons, nice and small and very capable and the Steiners are some of the best available, but expensive
•   CountyComm GP-5 SSB HF Radio – to monitor HF Amateur & shortwave
•   Garman Oregon 550T GPS in pants left cargo pouch (opt) – best of the bunch in my opinion, if you are going to use one
•   Kestrel 4500NV weather instrument in pants right cargo pouch (opt) – again, the best of the ones I have found if you need one

In MOLLE LBE Vest (4 double 20-round .308 magazine pouches, 2 large utility pouches, 2 small utility pouches, field pack)
•   8 20-round .308 magazine in 4 double pouches – about the maximum I can carry plus the rest of the items in the vest
•   Cammenga 3H Tritium lensatic compass (USGI)
•   Survival kit* in first large utility pouch – See below
•   Hardware and tools kit** in second large utility pouch – See below
•   MSR 3-liter hydration bladder in attached field pack – MSR is as good or better than the competition. Had good luck with their products. I am in the high desert. Need a lot of water.
On Tactical Assault Gear MOLLE Belt: - easy adjust, high quality

•   Full size hi-cap .45 ACP handgun in Tactical Taylor MOLLE holster (can be configured in several ways)
•   Surefire G2 LED flashlight in Specter Gear MOLLE pouch – Great basic light, not too expensive. The pouch is the only one I have found specifically for the G2
•   OKC-3S bayonet in MOLLE sheath – bayonet, fighting knife, utility knife
•   IFA kit in Custom Tactical SAR MOLLE pouch*** - See below
•   Self-reliance MOLLE 4”x10” water bottle pouch w/water purification kit w/Berkey Go Berkey single Black Berkey element SS field water purifier, primer, cleaning pad, Survival Resources pre-filter support sheath & coffee filters, 3x 1-liter water bags
•   Self-reliance MOLLE 4”x10” water bottle pouch w/water & cooking kit w/40 ounce stainless steel Kleen Kanteen w/fold down ring top w/Olicamp 16oz stainless steel folding handle graduated cup, Self-reliance universal cup lid, Self-reliance 25-oz stainless steel folding handle graduated cup w/lid, Self-reliance outfitters SS water bottle stove, Self-reliance SS water bottle hanger, Survival Resources pre-filter support sheath & coffee filters, Micro-Pur MP-1 foil pack chlorine dioxide tablets, PryoPac Gel fuel packets, 2-oz screw top tin to hold gel fuel when burning, 2 long titanium spoons, 2 Light My Fire Grandpa's Fire Forks
•   Soldiers Optimized Butt pack w/GI Poncho & Wiggy’s hooded insulated liner, 3 days food (jerky, gorp, Millennium ration bars, coffee /tea /hot chocolate packets), Otis Tactical gun cleaning kit – SOB is laid out fairly well. Best of the aftermarkets I have  found. Otis Tactical will clean all the weapons I have or plan to get.
•   HSGI MOLLE Dump pouch – I like the construction of this one better than the competition for holding empties
•   Spec-Ops brand double MOLLE pouch w/Leatherman Surge  and Victorinox Swiss Champ Swiss Army Knife
•   Spec-Ops brand double MOLLE pouch w/2 pistol magazines – have extra magazines in the other gear

Kifaru Kifaru 22MAG 3,000 ci MOLLE pack w/tactical platform & frame w/gun bearer & cargo net – Great quality. The gun bearer lets me carry whatever I need and have both hands free.

In 22MAG
•   Topo maps
•   MSR 3-liter hydration bladder – second bladder. Just have to have plenty of water
•   SAS Survival Handbook – Best of the field manuals in my opinion.
•   Food for 3 days: (jerky, GORP, Millennium Ration bars, instant oats, instant grits, instant potatoes, dried fruit, pemmican, parched corn, pinole, salt, bouillon cubes, & coffee /tea /hot chocolate packets, Coffee Mate packets, sugar packets, honey packets, protein bars, Horlick’s Malt tablets, fruit cake, Chicklets gun, Tootsie Rolls, hard candy, water flavoring, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, sugar, salt, lemon juice, Everclear, compact can/bottle opener, spoon & chopsticks, Charmin To-Go Toilet paper packet)
•   Katadyn Hiker Pro water filter w/MP-1 tablets – best of the small filters in my opinion back up to Berkey plus is a pump type so can be faster
•   Extra underwear – standard reasons
•   Extra socks – standard reasons
•   Double zip-locked packet of important papers (copies of licenses, deeds, insurance, etc.) – might not be able to recover the originals

On 22MAG pack:
•   James River Armory BM-59 .308 semi-auto rifle – I Prefer the .308 for its versatility, especially the BM-59 which I think is better than the M-14/M1A
•   Maxpedition 5”x12” water bottle pouch (left side) w/64 oz Kleen Kanteen water bottle – just more water. Unlike the bladders, can be poured from canteen to pot
•   Maxpedition 5”x12” water bottle pouch (right side) w/64 oz Kleen Kanteen water bottle 64 oz Kleen Kanteen water bottle – ditto above
•   Cold Steel E-tool – multipurpose. Digging, cooking, making debris huts, CQC weapon – best of the bunch in my opinion
•   CRKT Woods Chogan Tomahawk Axe – better even that the Cold Steel Rifleman’s tomahawk I have used for years
•   12’ sling rope w/2 snap rings – general purpose short rope. Pulling /lifting /rescue /securing /etc. Connected to belt

700 pound capacity game cart w/modifications
(Add platforms to bottom and back sections, leaving room for straps on each side. Add snaps to the outer edges of the frame all around for straps with matching snap caps. Add swivel locking caster front wheel.)

Following items carried in a series of Cabela’s Plano O-ring seal 58-quart totes

•   2 sets treated Propper outerwear
•   1 set wool pants & wool button down shirt – cold weather
•   Henschel Walker 1154-23 Oiled pull up leather hat, 3” brim w/chin strap (cool/cold hat) (If only one, this one. Others carried on game cart for appropriate seasons)
•   Henschel Aussie 5310-82 cotton mesh hat, 3” brim w/1” self band and chincord (hot weather hat)
•   Henschel Aussie 5336-95 cotton hat 3” brim w/chin cord (mild weather hat)
•   2 sets heavyweight silk long john bottoms, V-neck tops, & liner socks, merino wool socks – for medium cold weather
•   2 sets merino wool long john bottoms, V-neck tops, liner socks & Carhartt boot socks - for very cold weather
•   5 sets silk V-neck T-shirts & boxer briefs
•   5 sets each of: silk liner socks, wool liner socks, merino wool socks, Carhartt wool boot socks
•   2 sets each of: silk glove liners, wool glove liners
•   10 bandanas – cannot have too many
•   1 extra pair Hatch Operator lightweight gloves
•   1 leather safari style medium coat (brown) – medium weather
•   1 pair of Tempest insulated/water proof gloves – cold weather gloves
•   1 Tasman lined drover’s coat (brown) – Cold weather coat
•   1 set Hat Flap ear warmers – to keep ears warm when wearing wide brim hat
•   1 Adventure Medical Kits Backpacker’s sewing kit – small, inexpensive and effective
•   1 pair Cabela’s Elk moccasins w/shearling lining – for those safe camps in the fall, winter, and spring
•   1 pair Keen Newport H2 sandals – For water work
•   1 pair Wiley X Nerve Goggle w/4 spare lenses – Best effective goggles I have  found for the price
•   1 Pick-of-life ice escape picks – carried handy in the winter when around the water/ice

Tools, spares, and extras:
•   1 Grand Shelters Icebox Igloo building tool – for snow areas, not needed most places
•   1 Grand Shelters Igloo door ditto above
•   1 Duraworx mini-planting tool – substitute for the GI pick mattock
•   1 Channellock Model 88 rescue tool – wire cutter, pry bar, wrench
•   1 8” mill file – to sharpen axe/machete/e-tool
•   1 small block & tackle
•   1 EZE-Lap diamond paddle sharpening set – for extreme sharpening
•   1 Wyoming knife w/3 spare blades – the classic for skinning big game
•   300’ coyote brown 550 cord on Spool Tools
•   500’ #42 bank line on Spool Tools
•   1 Elecraft KX3 160m-6m + 2m portable 10 watt HF radio w/auto tuner & mike, set up for manpack use with whip, Yo-Yo 6-reel dipole antenna, spare battery, & solar panel
•   1 Night Watch 2 circuit tripwire alarm w/tripwire – hard to find, but effective and not too expensive
•   1 Lightstorm CL-1 LED flashlight – capacitor instead of batteries
•   1 Brunton SolarPort 4.4 & BattJack AA/AAA solar battery charger – keeps AA/AAA nicad rechargeables up to snuff
•   1 portable solar power system w/100+ watts of 12v panels, controller/inverter, battery(ies)
•   2 10,000mAh plus 5v USB power pack
•   1 solar recharge smartphone 5v USB power pack
•   2 Gill nets – best fishing option I have  found
•   1 Mobley’s Frog/fish gig head w/extra tines & telescoping pole – compact, inexpensive, effective on small game as well as fish and frogs
•   1 set Bow string, nocks, fletching, binding, various arrowheads, B&A tool – to make expedient bow in the field with best chance of success
•   1 roll of heavy fish line, for fishing arrows & gig head – do not want to lose the arrows or gig
•   1 Dozen Snare One 7x7 5/64” 42” cable snares w/swivel end – some of the best snares in my opinion. Used in lieu of hunting when camped in one place for a while
•   1 Exploration Products Fresh Water Fishing kit w/kite string winder – nice inexpensive kit. String winder to save the hands from getting cut up on the line
•   2 CR-1 spares carriers w/G-2 bulb & 6 CR-123A spare batteries each – keep the bulb and batteries together & protected
•   Extra CR-123A batteries in 4-cell carriers -
•   Extra AA rechargeable batteries in 12-cell carriers
•   Extra AAA rechargeable batteries in 6-cell carriers
•   Extra pair Danner boots – if possible
•   Extra boot laces
•   Extra Zippo fuel, spare wicks & flints
•   Extra butane fuel for lighter
•   Extra butane torch fuel
•   Extra first aid supplies
•   Extra hardware
•   Extra ammunition in bandoleers
•   Extra Otis gun cleaning patches and Breakfree CLP

Cooking, water, & sanitations items
•   Multi-purpose manual transfer pump w/screened pre-filter float
•   1 Sawyer Point Zero Two Absolute 4-liter water purification system – (biologicals only) w/sediment pre-filter & charcoal after filter for taste /odors /heavy metals /etc.
•   4 spare Berkey black purification elements
•   2 spare Hiker Pro elements
•   6 spare prefilter elements
•   6 spare activated charcoal refills
•   4 10-liter MSR water bladders – can carry plenty of extra water in a conformable bladder
•   2 MSR Campers washcloth & towel, AGS Labs Camp soap, compact hair brush, toothbrush & tooth powder, other hygiene items normally used – gotta stay clean
•   8 Charmin To-Go Toilet paper packets plus several wipe rags to preserve paper (boiled and sun dried to sanitize) – gotta go
•   1 Gold Bond Foot powder – essential in very hot or humid conditions
•   1 Chapstik SPF-15 lip balm – prevents lip burn
•   1 4oz bottle Herbal 22 Insect repellent – keeps the insects away in a good container
•   1 pocket pack Q-tips
•   1 pocket pack round toothpicks
•   1 MSR Dragonfly multi-fuel stove – Very effective, good price, reliable
•   4 MSR fuel bottles – at least one spare. Four are better
•   1 spare MSR Dragonfly fuel pump
•   1 German GI nesting knife/fork/spoon/can opener set – heavy, but also heavy duty, includes good can opener
•   1 MSR SS cook set w/tea kettle & kitchen tools – a bit heavy, but tough as all get out
•   4 SS cooking skewers – for cooking small game, roasting tubers, etc over open fire
•   1 Coleman SS steel double wall cup – keeps the hot chocolate and hot tea hot for a while in the cold mornings and evenings
•   1 REI Backpackers fire grill – for when you have an open fire but building a pit/fire ring is difficult or impossible
•   1 GSI pressure cooker w/liner pot – an option that allows quicker cooking of many dishes. Can leave behind
•   1 Lodge Cast iron skillet w/lid – for set camps using fresh foods. Can leave behind
•   1 Lodge Dutch oven w/lid – as above
•   1 Fire tongs – when planning open fires
•   1 Grilling basket – as above
•   1 pair 19” fireplace fireproof gloves – as above

Food – basic cooking supplies and foods – 2 totes
•   Salt
•   Pepper
•   beef bouillon
•   Sugar
•   Spices
•   Baking powder
•   Coconut oil
•   Honey
•   Flour
•   Corn meal
•   Powdered milk
•   Lentils
•   Dried beans
•   Rice
•   Tea bags
•   Hot chocolate packets
•   Emergen-C packets
•   Lemon juice
•   Hard candy
•   Waxed chocolate
•   Tootsie Rolls
•   Chickletts 2-piece chewing gum
•   Millennium ration bars
•   Snickers Marathon Protein Bars
•   Jerky
•   Pemmican – commercial (the real stuff) or home made
•   Dried fruit
•   Fruit cake – an 80% plus fruit and nuts ratio to batter
•   GORP – quality commercial trail mix or home made (~16-oz premium mixed nuts, ~16-oz M&Ms, ~8-oz  chopped dates)
•   Mountain House camping meal pouches
•   MREs
•   Instant oats packets
•   Instant grits packets
•   Instant potatoes packets
•   18-ounce SS flask Hennessy Paradis Extra Cognac

Lashed on top of totes:
•   1 LBE vest set up for Remington 11-87 shotgun – same as other LBE vest only for 12 gauge
•   1 NetPack 5354 wheeled 40” duffel bag w/2 pair silk liner gloves, 2 pair wool liner gloves, pair
•   Cabela’s Pinnacle Gortex cold weather insulated gloves, Cabela’s Pinnacle Gortex cold weather insulated mittens, Carhartt Arctic Bibs, Carhartt Arctic Parka w/hood, NEOS over boots, Mustang Survival auto inflate flotation vest, Millennium respirator, OptimAir 6A PAPR, CBRN suit, gloves, boots, acc – cold weather and CBRNE gear kept together in one place. Easier to stow in a soft bag than totes
•   1 set MSR Denali EVO Snow shoes & MSR Denali III poles – if in snow country. Leave behind if not
•   1 spare 12’ sling rope w/2 locking and 2 regular carabiners – general purpose short rope. Pulling/lifting/rescue/securing/etc
•   2 Edelwies 200’ static climbing rope w/set of carabiners, figure-8, 2 rescue pulleys – Only if you know what you are doing and are likely to need to climb or belay
•   1 Mountain Hardwear Trango 3.1 3 person/4 season tent w/fly – alternates: Wiggy’s, Hilleberg,
•   1 Wiggy’s FTRSS sleep system w/Thermarest RidgeRest Solar sleep pad – System is good from warm weather down to -60°F. I need lots of comfortable sleep when I can get it.
•   2 silnylon tarps w/poles, stakes, and para cord – Additional protection when camping on one place for a while
•   1 Hardigg iM3300 gun case with Remington 11-87 custom shotgun, Remington 700 .30-’06 scoped rifle w/.30 Carbine & .32 ACP adapters, Para-Ordnance P-12 spare pistol – Hardigg cases are the best I have  found for a critical item. The 11-87 is dual purpose. The .30-’06 is sniping/hunting. The P-12 is a spare
•   (optional: 2nd case w/Vigilance VR-1 .408 Cheytac or Remington 700 .375 H&H Mag for sniping and anti-material)
•   1 Alpacka Forager cargo raft w/oars, oar frame, seat, attachable skeg – for areas where crossing streams too deep to wade. Small/light/capable
•   1 D-handle small round point shovel – easier to use than the e-tool in many situations
•   1 Cold Steel 24” Latin machete – for general machete work. I like the 24” for its capabilities and heft
•   1 Stanley 30” Entry tool – multipurpose tool for getting into and out of several situations
•   1 Iltis Oxhead double bit axe – for times when camping in wooded area in the cold call from some serious firewood
•   1 Sven 21” folding saw – for general use around camp for firewood, poles/etc.
•   1 ATAS-25 multiband portable antenna w/tripod for the HF radio
•   1 Fire tripod – when anticipating open fires
•   1 Fire spit & supports – ditto above
•   1 Kifaru pulk w/steering & brake package – for deep snow areas. One of the best. Expensive

*Survival Kit (in vest utility pouch) – I think most of these item are pretty self-explanatory
•   1 SAS Essential Survival Guide (compact version)
•   1 Buck 110 folding belt knife
•   1 Fisher black bullet pen
•   1 Write-In-The-Rain note pad
•   1 BCB explorer button compass
•   1 Maglite Solitaire LED single AAA flashlight w/lithium AAA battery
•   3 AAA Lithium batteries in individual geo-cache tubes
•   1 Lightning Strike fire starter
•   1 tube Lightning Strike Napalm tinder
•   1 container UCO Titan matches
•   1 packet fatwood tinder
•   1 Bic lighter
•   1 length of #42 bankline to make fire bow
•   1 premade top pivot to make fire bow
•   4 Daytrex 4.2 oz water packets
•   1 Katadyn MyBottle water purifier w/4 extra cartridges
•   1 10”x4” Maxpedition water bottle carrier
•   1 Storm whistle
•   2 neck lanyard (whistle & knife)
•   1 mini can Orange spray paint
•   1 1”x200’ orange survey tape
•   1 mini-Air horn
•   1 Starflash 3”x5” signal mirror
•   1 TrueFlare penflare kit (launcher, 12 flares, case)
•   1 emergency hooded space blanket
•   1 lightweight space blanket bag
•   1 tube tent
•   1 300’ 550 cord on Spool Tools
•   1 P-51 can opener
•   1 old style beer can and bottle opener
•   1 long handle SS/titanium spoon/spork
•   4 beef bouillon cubes
•   12 Millennium energy bars
•   1 fresh water fishing kit
•   1 gill net
•   1 1-liter water bag
•   1 coffee filter support sheath w/20 filters
•   4 sheets aluminum foil
•   1 Esbit stove/Tommy cooker
•   4 12-count Esbit stove fuel tablets
•   1 small roll Gorilla duct tape flattened
•   1 24 gauge x 55’ brass wire
•   1 pocket chainsaw
•   4 heavy duty contractor bags
•   2 Israeli 6” trauma bandages
•   12 Medique Medi-Lyte heat relief tablets 2-pack
•   4 alcohol prep pads
•   4 Pepto Bismo 2-pack
•   4 Excedrin 2-pak
•   1 Charmin To Go 55 sheet pack toilet paper
•   1 pair emergency sunglasses

**Hardware & tools kit list (in pouch on belt) – extra small tools, plus some items for general use, to make repairs, and to fabricate items in the field. Some are for urban situations.
•   1 Leatherman Crunch
•   1 Leatherman Supertool 300
•   1 Victorinox Swiss Champ Swiss Army Knife
•   1 Stanley Multi-tip screwdriver
•   1 Glass cutter
•   1 Commercial building outside hydrant key
•   1 300’ 550 cord on Spool Tools
•   1 Small roll Gorilla duct tape flattened
•   1 12 gauge x 15’ insulated electrical wire
•   1 16 gauge x 50’ mechanic’s wire
•   1 24 gauge x 55’ brass wire
•   1 Roll 3M ¾” x 66’ electrical tape
•   6 popsicle sticks
•   1 Industrial JB weld
•   1 Tube of Goop
•   1 Tube of clear Shoe Goo
•   1 Small spray can WD-40
•   1 Small can 3-in-1 oil
•   12 11” releasable tie-wraps
•   12 small screw eyes
•   12 medium screw eyes
•   12 small screw in J-hooks
•   12 medium screw in J-hooks
•   12 4” 20d nails
•   4 7” spike nails
•   4 Mini sharpies
•   1 Mini spray can orange paint
•   1 1” x 200’ orange survey tape
•   1 Blazer PB 207 2500 degree micro torch
•   1 red lumber crayon (for marking trails, coding items, etc.)
•   1 yellow lumber crayon (for marking trails, coding items, etc.)
•   1 box bright pushpins (marking trails, etc.)
•   1 box clear pushpins (stealthy marking trails, etc.)
•   12 marbles (to tie off tarp)
•   12 medium firecrackers (signaling, bear scare, diversion)

***First-aid kit (in vest utility pouch) (additional supplies on cart) – All the items are my personal preferred items
•   1 CPR safety shield
•   4 pair exam gloves
•   2 1-oz bottle Purell hand sanitizer
•   10 single use thermometer
•   1 Fisher space pen
•   1 Storm-Saf note pad
•   4 individual wrapped tongue depressors
•   4 individual wrapped cotton tip applicators
•   1 small roll Gorilla duct tape flattened
•   4 bite sticks
•   4 ammonia ampoules
•   1 small flask Everclear 190 proof PGA
•   4 honey packets (for hot toddies)
•   4 lemon juice packets (for hot toddies)
•   10 Medi-Lyte re-hydration tablets 2-pack
•   12 Excedrin 2-pack
•   12 Alka Seltzer 2-pack
•   1 25ct bottle Dulcolax laxative
•   12 Pepto Bismol 2-pack diarrhea medication
•   12 NyQuill daytime cold medicine 2-pack
•   12 NyQuill nighttime cold medicine 2-pack
•   12 Benadryl antihistamine/allergy med 2-pack
•   2 Chloraseptic throat lozenges 6-pack
•   1 Acidophilus pills 30-count package
•   2 Miconazole 3-day treatment packs
•   6 Water-Jel Burn relief 3.5g packets
•   6 Water-Jel 1/32 oz triple antibiotic ointment packet
•   6 hydrocortizone 1/32 oz packet
•   3 15g jell glucose
•   4 Sting-kill wipes
•   4 IvyX cleanser wipes
•   4 alcohol prep pad
•   4 PAWS antimicrobial wipes
•   4 Providone/Iodine prep pad
•   2 Hyfin chest seal
•   1 20cc irrigation syringe
•   1 250ml bottle sodium chloride irrigation solution
•   1 4 oz bottle eye wash
•   1 eye wash cup
•   1 combat application tourniquet
•   1 self applied restricting band
•   1 1”x10yd adhesive tape roll
•   1 Dr. Scholls moleskin deluxe
•   4 1”x3” bandaids
•   4 fingertip bandaids
•   4 knuckle bandaids
•   12 ½” x 2 7/8” butterfly wound closures
•   4 2”x3” medium patch bandage
•   2 2”x4” elbow/knee bandage
•   2 Emergency Israeli 6” trauma bandage
•   2 sterile oval gauze eye pad
•   4 2”x2” gauze pads 2-pack
•   8 4”x4” gauze pads
•   1 2” gauze roll
•   1 4” ace bandage
•   4 4”x4” Water-Jel burn dressing
•   2 31”x31”x51” triangular bandage
•   1 SAM finger splint
•   1 7 ¼” utility scissors
•   1 3 ½” tweezers
•   4 single use Krazy glue
•   2 Chux/underpads (to lay out instruments and supplies)
•   1 surgical stapler kit w/35 staples
•   1 Sawyer bite & sting kit
•   1 brown recluse spider F/A kit
•   1 deluxe emergency dental kit
•   1 birthing kit
•   1 field kit of döTerra Essential Oils w/travel case (On Guard, Lemon, DigestZen,  Melaleuca, Helichrysum, Peppermint, Frankincense, Lavender, Oregano, Deep Blue, TerraShield, Breathe)(additional options: AromaTouch, Purify, Clove, Lemongrass & Fractionated Coconut carrier oil)

Important documents: Important records should be kept in such a way as to be safe in case of fire, flood, earthquake and other disasters and to have available for quick access when needed such as a fire resistant documents case.

Keep originals in appropriate places w/copies and/or condensed versions in the various emergency kits including BOBs, BIBs, GHBs, GOOD bags, INCH bags, evacuation kits, hurricane kits, etc.

It is also good to keep a set of copies off-site so they can be retrieved even if you have to leave without anything.

•   Automotive paperwork: registration, title, insurance card, tire warranties, repair warranties, etc.
•   Business records: Company ID, business license, bylaws, emergency plan, employee contact list, contracts, supplier info, customer info, incorporation records, partnership records, accounts receivable, accounts payable
•   Computer records: online accounts, passwords, web/blog host info, etc.
•   Employment records: Company ID, employee handbook w/emergency plan, pay stub
•   Family contacts: name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail, code word for proof of identity
•   Financial records: checking account info, savings account info, bankruptcy decree, credit card info, loan info, utilities info, location of safety deposit boxes, stocks /bonds /brokerage account information
•   Future death information: will, funeral arrangements, cemetery plots
•   Household records: Deed, mortgage, appraisals & inventory of home & contents, warranties, home layout drawing
•   ID: Driver’s license, passport, state ID card, naturalization certificate, permanent resident card, birth certificates, adoption records, current photos, physical descriptions (including identifying features)
•   Insurance records: Auto, home, health, life, disability, insurance cards, Medicare/Medicaid card, any other insurance cards
•   Legal records: marriage certificate, prenups, executor of estate, divorce decree, powers of attorney, death certificates, criminal history, final disposition of any civil/criminal court cases, trust documents, military discharge (DD214),
•   Medical records: Medical Power of Attorney, Doctors’ info, Dentists’ info, living will, allergies, prescriptions, current illnesses/problems, past major medical history
•   Professional advisors info: Insurance agents, accountant, lawyers, doctor(s), dentist
•   Professional & Miscellaneous licenses and records: Doctor licenses, other profession licenses, concealed weapons license, Amateur Radio Operator license, Press credentials, Investigator credentials, etc.
•   Religious records: Christening, baptismal, confirmation,
•   Retirement account information (401k, 403b, social security statement, IRA, pension plans, etc.)
•   School records: high school diploma, college diploma, college degrees, trade school diplomas
•   Tax records: Social Security Card, personal tax records for 5 years, business tax records for 5 years, property tax info

Any questions, feel free to ask. Please remember that I do not expect everyone to need or want everything on the list. It is just a reminder of what is available and might be needed for some people in some situations.

And it is, as always, just my opinion.

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Jerry D Young

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and always remember TANSTAAFL

(TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - Robert A. Heinlein)