The Northern Nevada Preppers Group

WELCOME!       There are many excellent reasons that since 2017, the number of people that are, in some manner, ‘prepping’ has grown from 9 million to more than 20 million people.

Our goal here at NNPG is to become a valuable resource to those interested in being prepared to, not only survive, but thrive, in an emergency.  If you are new to prepping and have mostly questions; if you have been prepping for a while and are looking for additional information and resources; or if you are a seasoned prepper just looking to “top-off” your resources and information…we believe NNPG has a great deal to offer.

So…please explore our site…Avail yourself to the wealth of information…join us live every Wednesday night (Chat Page) at 8pm (Pacific)…Or feel free to Contact us/Ask us. 

Prepare now…because self-reliance will be important.

All of the information here is free but we have to pay to host this website.

Please help us keep it up and working by donating to IQwurks, the parent of this endeavor.