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NNPG Radio Net / Talked About Hydrogen Peroxide and Said Goodbye To Bob Miller
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on January 18, 2024, 02:34:37 PM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We Talked About Hydrogen Peroxide and Said Goodbye To Bob Miller.

Here's your link:  http://www.nnpg.net/011724_radio.shtml
NNPG Radio Net / Games and Home Solar
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on January 12, 2024, 10:06:24 AM »
Wednesday's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We talked about games and home solar.

Here's your link:  http://nnpg.net/011024_radio.shtml
General Discussion / Prepper Radio Net Chat 01/03/24
« Last post by Jerry D Young on January 08, 2024, 07:08:42 PM »
Prepper Radio Net Chat 01/03/24

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:41 pm[/size]
Good evening!

K7KBJ @kjuenke [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:43 pm[/size]
Hi Jamie

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:43 pm[/size]
Good Evening!

K7KBJ @kjuenke [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:44 pm[/size]
Hi Kristin

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:46 pm[/size]
Hi Ken! One of my coworkers and I are interested in your Greytell device. How much are you selling then for?

K7KBJ @kjuenke [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:47 pm[/size]
I think it will be about 20 bucks. I'll have some at the camp event, I hope. I need to get some 3D resin in stock to print some parts. Then they will be on Etsy.

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:48 pm[/size]
Awesome. Thanks. Just in the chat room tonight.

K7KBJ @kjuenke [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:48 pm[/size]

Idaho70 @Idaho70 [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:50 pm[/size]
Its beginning to look alot like winter.

K7KBJ @kjuenke [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:50 pm[/size]
Hi Keith. It was cold here today. Snow in the mountains but not on the valley floor yet.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:53 pm[/size]
It is lightly snowing here and by Sunday we should have probably around 10 inches at my house. AND in about a week and a half we may have a day HIGH of 8 degrees.

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:53 pm[/size]
Hi everyone...

Tonight's topic is a list of prepping skills.
K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:54 pm[/size]
[/color]Hello all.[/size]

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:54 pm[/size]
Jerry, I'm sure your list is superior to the one I have. Would you send me your list and would you post up yours to the website too?

K7KBJ @kjuenke [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:55 pm[/size]
hi jerry

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:56 pm[/size]
Jerry...did you see my notes above?

Keith...is it cool in your part of the world?
K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:56 pm[/size]
[/color]Will do David. Not sure about superior, just longer, possibly.[/size]

Idaho70 @Idaho70 [size=0pt]Wed Jan 03 7:57 pm[/size]
right now it is 31 degrees.

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 03 7:57 pm
Not too different than it is here. Interesting!

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 03 7:57 pm
Sitting at 43 in the northwest

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 03 7:58 pm
Jamie...I've forgotten. About how many days of sunshine do you have up there?

Days a year.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 03 7:59 pm
about 130, but rainfall is less than seattle

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 03 7:59 pm
BTW...I'm the only human being on the planet that has visited a combination of Seattle and Portland more than 25 times in total and NEVER SEEN RAIN.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 03 8:00 pm
That does not prove you are human

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 03 8:00 pm
yeah, it?s really not as bad as people say. Now Ketchikan, Alaska is a whole different story

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 03 8:01 pm
Sadly Keith....that is actually a true statement

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 03 8:01 pm
That rain is really Eagle droppings from the sky

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 03 8:02 pm
It really is

twp @twp Wed Jan 03 8:02 pm
Evening all.

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 03 8:03 pm
Welcome everyone

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Jan 03 8:05 pm

twp @twp Wed Jan 03 8:06 pm
K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Jan 03 8:12 pm
[/color]Sorry David. I read disaster instead of skills. Both are on the way via email. I will put them up on the website soon.[/size]

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Jan 03 8:12 pm
Thanks Jerry !

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 03 8:15 pm
Thanks Jerry!
K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Jan 03 8:16 pm
[/color]I have a really long list of skills that preppers might want to have or look for people that have. No one can learn everything, so having people you trust, even if not part of your group, can be important.[/size]
[/color]Kilo Seven Kilo Kilo X-ray via the chat room from Winnemucca.[/size]
[/color]Sometimes a given skill can be broken down into sub-skill sets so things do not seem so hopeless to learn.[/size]
[/color]Just like most things, breaking the process down into smaller parts can be a big help.[/size]
[/color]I plan to be at the Frozen Prepper Days January 26-28.[/size]

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Jan 03 8:20 pm
Awesome !
K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Jan 03 8:22 pm
[/color]I hope no one hears me say that I prep for 300-years, in terms of leaving information and possibly structures for my family, prep friends, and others that want to help rebuild civilization.[/size]
[/color]I agree wholeheartedly wiwth David.[/size]

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Jan 03 8:23 pm
We really appreciate your information Jerry!
K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Jan 03 8:23 pm
[/color]No problem. I love giving it away.[/size]

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Jan 03 8:24 pm
Good Night!
K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Jan 03 8:26 pm
[/color]My skills list is up i the general section of nnpg.net[/url].[/font][/color][/font][/size]
[size=0pt][/color]The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group - Home[/color][/font][/size][/u][/b]
[size=0pt][/color]The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group[/size][/u]
[/color] [/size]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 03 8:26 pm
This was a great topic, thank you

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 03 8:27 pm
Good evening everyone....please be safe and HAPPY!

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 03 8:27 pm
Goodnight everyone. Chat with y?all next week,!

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Jan 03 8:27 pm
David, check out the email I just sent you. Good night all.
K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Jan 03 8:27 pm
[/color]Good night all.[/size]

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 03 8:28 pm
Will do Ken

twp @twp Wed Jan 03 8:29 pm
Good topic tonight, thanks for the ideas.

I'm out,, night all.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 03 8:29 pm
Good Night
NNPG Radio Net / Essential Prepper Skills
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on January 04, 2024, 09:14:47 AM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Net has been posted.
We talked about the essential prepping skills you should learn.

Here's your link:  http://nnpg.net/010324_radio.shtml
General Discussion / My MAG suggested skills list
« Last post by Jerry D Young on January 03, 2024, 08:26:09 PM »
Here is a list of prepper skills.

Just my opinion, of course.


NNPG Radio Net / Have Proper Eyewear/Glasses During An Emergency Or Disaster
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on December 28, 2023, 09:56:01 AM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We talked about Having Proper Eyewear/Glasses During An Emergency Or Disaster.

Here's your link:  http://nnpg.net/122723_radio.shtml
General Discussion / Merry Christmas 2023
« Last post by Jerry D Young on December 25, 2023, 08:59:33 AM »
Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah
Happy Festivus
Blessed Yule
Warm Winter Solstice
and a safe, happy, peaceful holiday season to everyone.

Not my opinion but my warmest wish.


General Discussion / Prepper Radio Net Chat 12/13/23 & 12/20/23
« Last post by Jerry D Young on December 23, 2023, 11:16:26 AM »

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Dec 13 7:17 pm

Start of December 13 content......


KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Dec 13 7:20 pm

Good Evening everyone!

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Dec 13 7:24 pm

Kristen, someone said you had a small earthquake recently down your way...did you feel it?

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Dec 13 7:24 pm

I did not feel it


Ken How much are your Greytell devices?

twp @twp Wed Dec 13 7:27 pm

Evening All.

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Dec 13 7:27 pm

My friend said yesterday...

I believe he said a 3.6

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Dec 13 7:28 pm

I have felt a few down here over the years.

Hello Gleeful Chatter!

Whats tonights topic?

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Dec 13 7:34 pm

Cooking in an emergency

Sentry @Sentry Wed Dec 13 7:57 pm

Good Evening everyone

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Dec 13 7:57 pm

Welcome everyone

Sentry @Sentry Wed Dec 13 7:57 pm

Hello Kristin!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Dec 13 7:57 pm

Hello all.

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Dec 13 7:57 pm


Sentry @Sentry Wed Dec 13 7:58 pm

Happy to be here

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Dec 13 7:58 pm


K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Dec 13 7:59 pm

These days I am happy to be anywhere.

Sentry @Sentry Wed Dec 13 7:59 pm


K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Dec 13 8:07 pm

Fuels: Wood, coal, Alcohol, methane, butane, propane, charcoal, wood gas, grass

rocket stove

grass twisted into bundles, twigs bundled into logs, newspaper roalled and soaked in water, dry cow/buffalo patties, directed solar energy, regualr solar cooker, stern and similar gelled fuels, wood furniture, paper in the form of books that have no real use, diesel and gasoline but only when poured into a metal or ceramic container filled with sand

There are also the evacuated tube solar cookers. A large Fresnel panel from an old projection tv can be rigged to direct concentrated solar energy onto the cooking pot, preferably cast iron.

Sentry @Sentry Wed Dec 13 8:15 pm

cast iron very versatile for all types of heat sources

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Dec 13 8:15 pm


Since David mentioned cooking methods as well as fuels: A good insulated bottle where you bring food up to boiling and put it in the insulated bottle and let it set for a few hours. Great for oalmeal.

Sentry @Sentry Wed Dec 13 8:26 pm

Kalan - Filipino Clay Palayok Stove ancientcookware.com

Clay Cookware | La Chamba Cookware | Clay Cazuelas

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Dec 13 8:28 pm

Some are made out of clay

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Dec 13 8:32 pm

More fuels: trioxane, hexamine tablets, military gel fuel

If there is a dc source such as a solar panel and

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Dec 13 8:36 pm

Good to have you on-air Jerry.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Dec 13 8:36 pm

battery water can be split into oxygen and hydrogen and hydrogen can be used in one of the gaseouse type stoves.

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Dec 13 8:36 pm

Everyone have a terrific evening...I'm going to run to the oven...the timer is beeping!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Dec 13 8:37 pm

Thank you, David. It is really good to be able to make sure the radio actually works, that it hit the repeater with just the rubber ducky antenna from inside a room.


twp @twp Wed Dec 13 8:37 pm

Night all, good net. Thanks

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Dec 13 8:37 pm

Thank you everyone for the kind words. I appreciate it.

Good night all.

Sentry @Sentry Wed Dec 13 8:38 pm

Good night everyone...and a special TY to Kristen!

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Dec 13 8:38 pm

Good Night Sentry and everyone.!

Deborah @KJ7YAK Wed Dec 20 10:13 am

Hello my friends. Just taking a quick minute to check in. I don't know if I'll be awake for the net later but I'll try. Jerry, I was looking through Melissa K Norris's blog and saw a familiar name. Miss you all. Deborah

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Dec 20 7:35 pm

Hi Deb !!!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Dec 20 7:35 pm

Hello Deborah

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Dec 20 7:36 pm

Hello everyone!

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Dec 20 7:36 pm


K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Dec 20 7:40 pm

Hi everyone...

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Dec 20 7:40 pm

Hi David

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Dec 20 7:41 pm

Ken...topic tonight...Earthquake preparedness? OK?

Ken...you net tonight or am I?

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Dec 20 7:42 pm

Good Evening!

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Dec 20 7:42 pm

I sent you an email early today.

I am NCO. You took over last week cuz I was unavailable.

Hi all

David. I'll call on you before I ask for check-ins so you can speak to that topic.

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Dec 20 8:08 pm


Home - WFDA


Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Dec 20 8:09 pm

Have an axe for breaking windows and clearing the glass plus you can chop up doors and collapsed lumber inside or outside the house.

the elevator cables can also be weakened or break and the car falls.

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Dec 20 8:14 pm

Especially in China!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Dec 20 8:18 pm

Check your neighbor's places for hazards. Your safe spot may be threatened by something from next door. Example a big chimney next door falling across the fence and into your safe spot. Do not limit your inspection to only your property.

Sentry @Sentry Wed Dec 20 8:20 pm

Hello everyone and Kristin!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Dec 20 8:22 pm

What HF frequency do you think you may use. I will try to get you up here.

Judy and I have been through a couple of 6+ earthquakes.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Dec 20 8:31 pm

In 2010 I was in a big earthquake while working at a museum and watched a crack go up three stories! I was nervous the adolescent Megalodon hanging from the ceiling was going to fall on us all!

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Dec 20 8:32 pm

I was in Los Gatos too during the Loma Prieta earthquake.

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Dec 20 8:32 pm

Keith, we will be all over 20, 40 and 80 meters

If you want to text me we can try a QSO. 775-336-7170

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Dec 20 8:35 pm

Decent participation tonight...Hope we helped some.

Sentry @Sentry Wed Dec 20 8:35 pm

I keep shoes next to bed to protect feet from broken glass after earthquake was told it's common injury

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Dec 20 8:36 pm

Keep shoes upside down so if broken glass...it won't go into shoe

Sentry @Sentry Wed Dec 20 8:36 pm

good point

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Dec 20 8:37 pm

Good Night everyone

Sentry @Sentry Wed Dec 20 8:37 pm

Good night...thank you everyone

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Dec 20 8:37 pm

Good night Jamie

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Dec 20 8:37 pm

Shake it baby

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Dec 20 8:38 pm

Goodnight, dad! Goodnight, everyone!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Dec 20 8:38 pm

Nighty night everyone

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Dec 20 8:38 pm

Good evening everyone...
NNPG Radio Net / Re: Earthquake Preparedness
« Last post by Jerry D Young on December 23, 2023, 11:08:17 AM »
Thank you, Ken.

Sorry I missed chat. I am having more medical issues. I was at the computer, with the Yaseu hooked up and ready to check for access. Next thing I know I wake up with keyboard marks on my face about 11pm.

NNPG Radio Net / Earthquake Preparedness
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on December 22, 2023, 10:21:28 AM »
Wednesday's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio show has been posted.
We talked about earthquake preparedness in light of the shaker we just had nearby.

Here's your link:  http://nnpg.net/122023_radio.shtml
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