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General Discussion / Prepper Radio Net Chat 05/26/24
« Last post by Jerry D Young on July 02, 2024, 04:25:32 PM »
K7DWW 19:41:54
 Hi JC...Hi Ken...Hi Jerry

K7KBJ - Ken 19:42:11

Jerry D Young 19:42:26
 good evening everyone

K7KBJ - Ken 19:42:35
 Jerry, tons of people asked about you at Prepper Field Day !!

JCMayhem 19:43:14
 Good evening!! I am apart of some FB groups about prepping and today someone asked about he "unusual" things that are kept in preps. I took some notes because I haven't seen these ones. Lumber/plumbing/construction supplies, shoe repair kits, pest control for pets, plunger and bucket to clean clothes, clothes pins,

JCMayhem 19:43:23
 compost pile or devices, and dental repair kits

Jerry D Young 19:44:53
 I believe there more unusual things for prepping than there are usual things. At least for me. I have so many things that I have seen anyone else have or use.

JCMayhem 19:47:08
 Yeah, I bet your preps are quite interesting

Jerry D Young 19:48:18
 I think they are boring as all get out. So many different kinds of things for so many different situations. Each seems pretty mundane once I have mastered whatever it is.

K7KBJ - Ken 19:48:41
 condoms and female hygiene products for barter and use.

Jerry D Young 19:49:32
 That is everyday stuff, not unusual. In my opinion, anyway.

JCMayhem 19:49:37
 Oh yeah! Someone in the comment section also said biodegradable body bags for burials

Jerry D Young 19:50:52
 I do not think mine are biodegradable. I wanted them to be impervious to the contents as well as the surrounding environment.

JCMayhem 19:52:42
 Yeah, that's what I was thinking would be wanted in them. Though if they won't be filled with chemicals from funeral homes, maybe it's okay if they leak? I've not researched that.

Jerry D Young 19:54:08
 I would not want them to leak. Human remains are dangerous and extremely odorous.

K7KBJ - Ken 19:54:50
 sounds like some people I have known....

Jerry D Young 19:55:12
 Good point.

JCMayhem 19:55:58
 Good points

K7KBJ - Ken 19:56:44
 Frozen Prepper Days, January 24, 25,26 Be there or be warm.

K7KBJ - Ken 19:57:16
 Watch out. There is a fly on the wall.

Jerry D Young 19:57:21
 Warm heart and cold hands okay?

K7KBJ - Ken 19:57:30

Jerry D Young 19:57:41
 Or maybe that is cold hearted and hot hands.

Jerry D Young 20:01:08
 At least that is what some people call me.

Jerry D Young 20:10:13
 Someone telll David to say that three times fast...

K7KBJ - Ken 20:11:17

Jerry D Young 20:13:53
 I will need to listen to the recording before I can ask questions about the batteries.

Jerry D Young 20:14:31
 This is Kilo Seven Kilo Kilo X-ray Jerry, in Winnemucca via chat

Jerry D Young 20:15:40
 One of the items I was going to demonstrate was a new fire starter by Dark-Ridge.com

Jerry D Young 20:19:00
 I picked one up at a Reno gun show. The device is light and has a ferro-cerium rod, a separate striker, and a pair of tinder plugs. What makes this so advantageous is that the striker slides down a wide groove in the top of the fire starter and directs the sparks into a slight dome at the end of the fire starter.

Jerry D Young 20:19:55
 This directs the sparks downward onto the tinder that has been shredded and placed where the fire starter can be used easiest.

Jerry D Young 20:21:24
 I highly recommend this fire starter, especially for younger preppers with small hands and less coordination than older preppers. (Though not less than some of us old... older... oldest... preppers.)

Jerry D Young 20:21:54
 Dark-Ridge.com firestarters

Jerry D Young 20:25:41
 I am really sorry I missed Amateur Radio & Prepper Field Days this year. I hope to make Frozen Prepper Field Days in January 2025. I want to at least get the books I was supposed to have for those with whom I had made trades at the last Frozen Prepper Field Days.

Lisa Partee 20:26:40
 Thank you for a wonderful preppers weekend! Had a Blast!

K7KBJ - Ken 20:27:01
 You're very welcome. I got drunk hahahaha

Lisa Partee 20:27:24
 LOL!! No you didn't!!

Lisa Partee 20:27:27
 ha ha!

Lisa Partee 20:27:59
 Late getting on tonight.... friend in hospital and late getting home.....

Lisa Partee 20:28:47
 Thank goodness my Dave (NOT THE DIRECTOR/DICK-TATER) remembered at the ;last minute

Lisa Partee 20:29:42
 Jerry Young, please worry about healing and getting better for next time! Hugs and prayers to you.....

Jerry D Young 20:31:47
 Thank you. I am already staying on my diabetic diet much better than I was. Making sure I pick up my meds when ready and take them as prescribed. Trying not to overdo things the way I used to with little regard for how it affected me long term.

Lisa Partee 20:33:22
 Good answer, Jerry.... and yes, you were missed. NEXT TIME!!

Jerry D Young 20:34:17
 And part of my better lifestyle is to go to bed and GET TO SLEEP before 4am the next morning. So, with that, I am off to bed. Good night all.
NNPG Radio Net / Did We Just Survive A Carrington Event Level Solar Storm?
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on May 23, 2024, 11:39:21 AM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We asked the question... Did We Just Survive A Carrington Event Level Solar Storm?

Here's your link:  http://www.nnpg.net/052224_radio.shtml
Prepper Events and Meetings / Visiting in June 2024
« Last post by Reasonable Rascal on May 15, 2024, 10:57:45 AM »
I know it has been a while since I last graced these august forums but in my defense, I truly have been busy.

My lovely bride and I will be exhibiting at the American Dream Gun, Knife and Collectibles Show in Garnderville, NV June 1 and 2. This will be a first for us as far as the location. We have driven through and visited such places as Carson City and Virginia City and other locations elsewhere in NV but we have never worked a gun show in your state.

This will be the first of 3 shows out west for us, the other two being in CA (Fresno and Sacramento, if the promoter ever gets back to us).

We delight in meeting FTF with folks from the boards and have a few who we see regularly via the shows in Iowa and even CA.

The event will be held at the Douglas County Fairgrounds 9-5 Saturday and 9-3 Sunday. We won't have a coffee pot, unfortunately but pretty sure we can find a stool or chair for you.

Oh, yeah, we don't sell firearms, we sell medical preps the likes of which you will not find elsewhere, and that is not hype.

I did thee folks good health and good day.

NNPG Radio Net / We Introduced You To Limited Solar
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on May 09, 2024, 09:49:10 AM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We introduced you to Limited Solar.

Here's your link:  http://nnpg.net/050824_radio.shtml
NNPG Radio Net / We Asked The Question, What If?
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on April 26, 2024, 10:39:54 AM »
Wednesday's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Net has been posted.
We Asked The Question, What If?

Here's your link:  http://nnpg.net/042424_radio.shtml
NNPG Radio Net / Season Transitions And Your Preps
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on April 18, 2024, 01:35:40 PM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Net has been posted.
We discussed Season Transitions And Your Preps.

Here's your link:  http://www.nnpg.net/041724_radio.shtml
NNPG Radio Net / Some Things You Might Forget To Put Into Your Bugout Bag
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on April 11, 2024, 10:27:22 AM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We told you about Some Things You Might Forget To Put Into Your Bugout Bag.

Here's your link:  http://www.nnpg.net/041024_radio.shtml
NNPG Radio Net / Re: Some Power Considerations For You
« Last post by Jerry D Young on April 09, 2024, 02:29:41 PM »
Thank you, Ken.
NNPG Radio Net / Some Power Considerations For You
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on April 05, 2024, 10:48:56 AM »
Wednesday's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We presented Some Power Considerations For You.

Here's your link:  http://www.nnpg.net/040324_radio.shtml
NNPG Radio Net / Re: How To Be Under Prepared By Overlooking Things
« Last post by Jerry D Young on April 02, 2024, 02:52:28 PM »
Thank you, Ken.
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