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Getting Out Quickly

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Getting Out Quickly
« on: February 27, 2017, 06:38:40 PM »
Good ideas on BugingOut with different time constraints applied. Have not seen it broken down this way before. 230gr

Getting Out Quickly by Pastor Fox on Viking Preparedness
     One weekend many winters ago I asked my wife, "Would you like to do a little survivalist drill?"  "Let's pretend I am not home and SOMETHING has happened that is forcing you and the kids (3) to flee the house right now - to Bug Out - possibly never able to return again.  When I say, GO, I will start the stopwatch and then you get the Suburban loaded with whatever you would take and the kids and dog and when you put it in reverse, time stops. "
 Now, what I pictured was my wife running around like a chicken with its head cut off, grabbing this and grabbing that, making a pile in the living room and then starting to shuttle things out to the vehicle after which we would sit down and discuss what she took and what she forgot, how she could be more efficient, faster, etc.
     She looked at me in that way she does when she is playing along but not really wanting to, opened the livingroom closet door, picked up her BoB and the two oldest kids' BoBs (Bug out Bags - the kids' were light and in school book bags), grabbed the keys off the desk and said, "This is what I'm taking - do you really want me to load it all up?  Because we are outta here."
 Fifteen seconds.  Not what I had envisioned...  "Don't you want to take food storage, water, and guns and ammo and stuff?" I asked.  "You said we had to go 'right now".  That is why we have BoBs, right?" YES - that is EXACTLY why we have BoBs.  She was the smart one there.  SHE was the one who was actually thinking.
Quickly is a relative term and we always need variations on our plans so what I really think is that you need FOUR plans; plans with only  15 seconds, 15 minutes, 1.5 hours, and 15 hours, of advance warning to move. 
•   15 Seconds.   You need a plan when you lay down to sleep to evacuate your home in 15 seconds.  You need to GO NOW.  To make this work you should have your pants and shoes next to your bed.  Your pants should be loaded - keys, wallet, etc.   Get up, don pants, holster weapon, slip on shoes and move out.  The key to this working is having more clothing and gear off site.  Off site could be a shed in the backyard, a detached garage, the trunk of your vehicle, a storage facility, or cached in the wilderness. 
•   15 Minutes.  Have your bags packed and ready to go.  Throw them in the car, grab the spare gas cans on the way out and you are off.  This is why we have bugout bags.  This is why we keep supplies and gear in our vehicles.  This is also why we have stuff stored at alternate locations.
•   1.5 hours.  For this you are really LOADING your vehicle to full capacity, taking as much as you can. To do this you need a LOAD PLAN and you need to have practiced.  purchase a bunch of Tote bins of various sizes and fiddle around with the best way to load them into your vehicle(s) to max out the number you can fit in there.   Carefully unload the bins from the vehicle and number/label each one.  As you do, draw a chart of each level of bins in the vehicle and where each goes.  Now you know the arrangement of the bins you know  will fit. Now just to decide what goes in each bin and pack them.  Store them in the garage in a manner that allows for easy loading - think bottom layer in first, top layer in last.  Then practice loading until it is easy.
•   15 Hours.  Think evacuating for something like a Hurricane; you MAY be able to return so in addition to bugging out, you want to secure your property so it is still in good conditions when you return.  For this you need CHECKLISTS :  "Turn off water; turn off gas;  drain pipes; board up windows; maybe move furniture to second story and so on.  If what you will do requires equipment (plywood, hammer, nails) have that available in one.
•   To sum up:  Have a PLAN, Assemble the appropriate gear and EQUIPMENT, and then REHEARSE your plan.

See full article: https://www.patreon.com/vikingpreparedness/posts
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