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Title: Growing Sweet Potatoes in 5 Gallon Buckets
Post by: TWP on April 21, 2017, 11:40:38 AM
This works!

http://fivegallonideas.com/growing-sweet-potatoes/ (http://fivegallonideas.com/growing-sweet-potatoes/)

DO NOTE, that sweet potatoes are a PERENNIAL, that means that the plant will not die at the end of each growing season.   I have one plant, in my window sill, which is now three years old.

The plant is a vine, which means that it likes to climb, so plan on a trellis of some kind.  Hand a few pieces of twine from above and encourage the vines to wind around them.

The vines will die back, as now vines are sent up.  I trim those dead vines, crumple them up and push them under the water in the sprouting containers.

NOTE:  The vine in the sprouting containers WILL NOT grow tubers, you need to transplant to soil for that part of the growing process.

The vines will easily start new plants if a leaf node is submerged in a water filled container.   My original plant, from one tuber, is now linked in three adjacent containers, each containing only water (no soil).   One or two of these will be severed from the vine jungle and planted in a Soil filled bucket as soon as the root structure will support the plant.   That is usually about 4-6 weeks after the node is submerged in water.  Being perennial, they will continue to grow even if you don't transplant them.

I do use a house plant fertilizer stick in the older spouting tanks along with placing dead leaves from the vines in the water.