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Bartering Event

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Rob McKevitt:

We locked in on a date for the Bartering event.

Saturday, October 21st
11AM to 1PM
Prep and Save Parking Lot
Linda Way, Sparks

Please bring your tradable bartering items, leftover excess gear, items cluttering up your Prepper shelves and anything else of value that you think other preppers would love to have in their inventory. Paul has been gracious enough, once again to allow us the use of his parking lot and if there are items not available for you on the bartering tables, bring a few extra bucks to replace those items that have expired in your gear or things you might need to augment your kits with by visiting Paul's store.

Please let everyone know who might be interested in attending such as your Prepper friends, family and those that might want to come out, meet other Preppers and gain an insight to the community and group.

Ken K7KBJ:
I will be out of town on the weekend of this event so I cannot participate (insert sad face here).
I hope all of you have a great time and learn a lot.


Sweet we shall mark this on our calender!

We plan on being there.

Jerry D Young:
I was not nearly as organized as I should have been, wound up arriving a bit later than I intended, and got really sidetracked. But, boy-oh-boy, id I have a good time. And made out like a bandit on the trades I did.

There were not as many people as usual, and of those that were able to attend, a couple were not able to set up for barter the way they wanted. So we did get to socialize a great deal, which was good. Many of us had not seen others for some time and it was good to catch up.

I was able to work a few trades/barters, and I did get some really good trades in return for what I had available. Kinda feel bad about taking advantage of a couple of people, but they all insisted they were happy with the trades, and that is what makes for a successful barter.

Thanks everyone that was there, and especially to Paul and Rob.

Just my opinion.


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