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Title: James Wesley, Rawles, "Survivors", a review
Post by: TWP on April 26, 2017, 09:06:55 AM
Review of "Survivors" by James Wesley, Rawles

Having just finished reading the preceding book "Patriots", I found "Survivors" to be of at least equal value in terms of ideas and training for the survival mindset.

"Survivors" is set in the same world and time-frame as "Patriots" and tells the stories of other people across the entire world.

If you've not read "Patriots", it is a Post Apocalyptic scenario which posits an economic collapse which is caused by the failure of fiat currencies, the banking system which created them and the governments which relied on them.  Read the book, because I cannot, in this space, give a full analysis.

"Survivors" is linked to "Patriots" in that it tells the story of people who are related, in one fashion or another, to characters in the first book.

The story describes possible (probable?) situations around the world, starting several years before the world economy "goes over the cliff".  Yes, it is told from the viewpoint of "preppers", which should not be a surprise.

Throughout the story, there is much attention paid to the How and Why of the actions of the characters.  In addition, there is an effort to point out who may become part of the problem.  If you don't already have a grasp of this, do start following some of the online discussions and do read more on the subject of "prepping".  It is NOT ONLY about having enough "beans, bullets and bandaids"...

The story may be hard for some people to read and accept.  I confess to be feeling overwhelmed by some of the possible events.  I'm not ready to run screaming in the streets, but I do see enough resemblance to today's real world events to be more than slightly concerned.

The story may be fiction, but it also social commentary and you are free to accept and agree, or reject.  The point is; how much time and effort will it take from you to "pretend" that such events may happen and act now to be ready?  What are the consequences if such events DO NOT happen?  Will you have lost anything?

You don't plan on needing to use your insurance policies, but as the saying goes: "Failing to plan is planning to fail"...

[EDIT] spelink