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Title: "Mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it any more!"
Post by: David-Audrey on June 03, 2017, 10:26:41 PM
For some important personal reasons, I needed to keep my mind busy and off some troubles at our doorstep.

Triggered by listening to the "Blather" about the inescapable death of people and coming end of the world as we know it as a result of our planned exit from "Paris Accords," I took pen to paper to clarify my thoughts.

Rather than keep this to myself, it has been suggested that I share it.  I'm doing so.  I would honestly love feedback...good AND bad!

I will tell you that, as a nation, we are in troubled times and I have concerns about the future. 

I invite you to take the 3 or 4 minutes to read my thoughts and come to your own conclusions.

Thank you.

Title: Re: "Mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it any more!"
Post by: TWP on June 03, 2017, 11:52:40 PM

I liked your "manifesto" if you will.   I have to admit that my own feelings about the possible result of the US leaving the Paris Climate Accord are not nearly as life shaking as they appear to be for you.

Part of my lack of anxiety over this particular action is that it is being hyped by the media.  That is a flag which I interpret to mean that it (the media hype) has more to do with creating news (fake news?) and trying to stir the snowflakes into doing something stupid...  I admit it appears to be working, if I am to believe what I read and see in the various media.

Without getting into the politics of this particular action, I don't see that it (the Paris Climate Accord) was or ever will have a significant affect on the weather.  It will certainly cause a lot of anxiety in the economic community since the fiat money flow will be interrupted.  As the saying goes "Follow the money".

A well know radio pundit said. fairly recently:  "Climate change is nothing new. Scientists have know about climate change for years, they even have a name for it;  they call it "weather"...

All that being said, we DO see a large change in world society, driven by many factors, such as media hype, cash flows, social engineering and other factors.   This is a change that I watch closely and do have plans in place to address if it comes closer to me.  I call this "prepping".

Please don't let the media hype drive you in a direction that suits their agenda.  It distracts you from seeing things which are happening closer to home.  Personally, I don't like to follow the herd, particularly when there are so many cliffs which the herd might mindlessly run over.   I also don't want to be run over By that same herd.
Title: Re: "Mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it any more!"
Post by: David-Audrey on June 04, 2017, 01:54:02 PM
Thanks for the reply, but am confused. 

First, the document was not about climate change, nor the Paris accords.  The hysterical media coverage is what triggered me to put the document together.

Regarding climate change, I have in the past and will again here, attach some documentation about how frequently and how much more severe the Earth has warmed up since the time Jesus walked among us.  I am a firm believer that "man" contributes to global warming but is NOT CAUSING IT.  In fact, based on research, one day's significant eruption of a volcano pollutes more than a year of all the pollution man contributes. 

Further, and I find this funny, cows on the planet contribute more as a group than man does.  So if we have to clean up the planet really quickly, let's have a worldwide BBQ party!

No, my document is not about Global warming.  It's one persons take on something that really upsets me.  The changing "heart" and value system of this country.

Again, would like your responses to the document...good AND bad!

Title: Re: "Mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it any more!"
Post by: TWP on June 04, 2017, 02:51:24 PM
David, nor did I intend to make more of the Paris Climate Accord than it warrants.  It is merely the "topic du jour" which is making the rounds of the media and internet at the moment.

As far as actual changes in the climate are concerned... I am more inclined to call it for what it is: weather.  It changes, sometimes more than other times, but I simply don't buy the hyperbole about a catastrophic change happening right now.

I agree with you, that people do cause some changes in climate.  Exactly how much is "man made" and, moreover, how much control we might have in that change, is not clear.  Nor is it being addressed in a calm and studied manner.  Lots of noise, very little content.

The above comments do relate to your concern about social changes.  It is one example of those changes and of the people who are trying to sway people to their point of view (I'm doing that too...).

You and I are of similar ages (We're Old Dude  ;D ) and have some life experience to use in viewing where society is going.  A few decades ago, I would have been hyperventilating and more anxious about what is happening.

Frankly, I won't let the current social situation (however you want to define that) cause me to lose sight of my core beliefs.  Yes, things are changing, even in a bad way, but I'll plan on surviving first, and then acting to restore things to a more stable and enjoyable situation.

No, I'm not deluding myself that I will have a major impact, but within my sphere of influence. I will do what is needed to stay sane and keep others around me from acting badly...

With respect to the three charts in your last post, I've seen these on other fora.  While there is some disagreement on the accuracy, I do accept that there have been climate cycles in our planets history.  This is, after all, one of the changes for which we prep.

With respect to the changes you note in the "heart and mind" of this country, do you remember the 60's?  I was an impressionable college student then and my recollection was that we were going to "hell in a hand basket" as the saying goes.  I can stand back now and see how we (our country) has changed since then.  It goes in cycles...

Right now, in this country, there are several political and social movements, some I approve, some I don't and some I frankly don't believe are real (but the media would like me to believe it).  As I said above, I'm not getting overly concerned about these changes because I see them as self-correcting.  The "correction" phase might not be pleasant and history shows us how unpleasant it can become, but I plan on making it through, ready for the next tide of change.

David, if I could say one thing to put things in perspective, it would be "don't sweat the small stuff".  We've been here before, it will happen again.  The key (for me) is to survive with all or most of my friends.
Title: Re: "Mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it any more!"
Post by: ken_ on June 04, 2017, 03:07:14 PM
Hi David,

I agree with your manifesto. There is a concerted attack on America by the "left," aided and abetted by our "free press" and a whole bunch of people (elected and otherwise) in "our" government. Anyone who professes a belief in limited government, rule of law, traditional values, etc. is mocked, investigated, put out of business, and sometimes even physically assaulted by the left.

I'm not old enough to remember the Cuban crisis, but I do remember the cold war with Russia and fallout shelters. It makes my blood boil and breaks my heart to see what leftists are doing to OUR country. I'd be happy to yell about it along with you any time.

Take care,
Title: Re: "Mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it any more!"
Post by: 230gr on June 04, 2017, 03:10:32 PM
Paris Climate Accord is all about power and control overriding National Sovereignty.
1. Human "pollution" is can not significantly affect the climate on a global scale.
2. The global climate is always changing that it its nature.
3. IMO, we are in the cusps of a global cooling and it is following the pattern of the mini ice age event (decades of warming temperatures followed my years of heavy rains and erratic weather followed by decades of crop ruining low temperatures).
4. If an environmental clean up is wanted, let it start with China and the other truly horrible polluters.
5. Try not to take the the Socialist Mainstream Media over seriously they are just a mouthpiece the Globalist "powers-that-be". Much of that is keeping the sheeple agitated.
Title: Re: "Mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it any more!"
Post by: TWP on June 06, 2017, 06:56:54 AM

Again in response to your OP.   Depending on your mindset, you might choose one or more routes.  Some are along the lines of the various militia, some involve entering politics at local or national levels, other options might be to go the mountain man path and withdraw from most society.  These are not your only options, just some that have gotten the most media attention...  This last is a telling indictment and reason enough to avoid such options.

The other problem with responses like militia or politics is that they can get you dead faster than you expect.  Either metaphorically, like failed politicians (The list is too long to include here) or physically as happened at places like Ruby Ridge.

I think there is a "middle road" which can address your concerns.  I think (my opinion) that what we of the NNPG are doing is on that road.  We do discuss this (the direction of the country) among ourselves and such talk helps to keep perspective...

I do wish we were able to meet, as a group, more frequently.  Our tin-hat folding parties are enjoyable and, at least for me, helps maintain perspective.  I've enjoyed meeting the other members, including you and Audrey.   It has been an education to say the least.

Spending as much time as I do reading online "news", I did find myself being lead down paths that were decidedly not "healthy", either physically or mentally.  It took some time to build a set of mental filters for evaluating all that sewage outflow.  Because of the occasional gems of wisdom which get tossed into the mix, I was unwilling to simply go off-line and ignore everything.

One piece of advice is to include some humor and entertainment as part of the online experience.  I've built a list of online comics which I follow plus I listen to some online music and videos.  Your tastes will dictate what you want to hear.  Don't let someone else tell you what you MUST watch... That way lies serfdom and sheeplehood.

When it all just gets to be too much, do contact your friends here on NNPG and elsewhere.  We all like to share our thoughts and perhaps point out where the dragons are hiding...

This was intended to address your "message written between the lines" in your OP, but it applies to everyone in the NNPG group.  I suspect that we all are concerned about how our society (local, national and worldwide) is changing from prior decades.  Many of use have experienced a different world, even if it is only in our fantasies.  I hope everyone one of use takes this opportunity to talk about it and maybe, as a group, become part of a solution (cliche alert).

And on top of all that, we must worry about Global Warming plus the glaciers moving down from Canada.... Will it all never end?  Stop the world, I want to get off!  Ok, too much news, must get coffee and watch a Charlie Chapman movie.
Title: Re: "Mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it any more!"
Post by: 230gr on June 07, 2017, 01:47:41 PM
U.S. Among Least Polluting Nations

Despite recent attempts to paint the United States as a major global polluter, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. is among the cleanest nations on the planet.

In the most recent WHO report on air pollution, the United States was listed as one of the countries with the cleanest air in the world, significantly cleaner in fact than the air in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the UK, Japan, Austria and France.

While France and other G7 countries lamented the U.S. exit from the Paris climate accord, America’s air is already cleaner than that of any other country in the G7.

n a recent list of the 25 cleanest cities in the world, the only country to boast three cities among the cleanest on the planet was the United States of America, with Chicago coming in second place, Honolulu coming in fourth, and Portland, OR, coming in sixteenth. Unsurprisingly, no cities from China, Russia or India made the list at all.
