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wind powered ball mill


Another of my projects. For brass polishing or making BP.


Jerry D Young:
Wow! That is clever, beorn. I could not tell how the shaft was driving the tumbler from the video. I look forward to the improved model. This is something I in which I have a real interest as one of the possible PAW businesses I am contemplating is the small-scale production of black powder for use in black powder cartridge arms and muzzleloaders, particularly flintlocks.

I want to stock up .45-70, .45 Colt, .32-20, and 12 and 20 gauge brass shotgun shells, plus primers and wad materials for my own use. It is a plan, but I am not very far along on it. The ball mills would be one of the biggest expenses, as I want several smaller ones that I can have in a protected area and run power to them with remote switches in the power lines so I can start and start them remotely. And with small mills if something was to have problem would be limited in size plus I would not lose all capacity.

Anyway, great job. When you get the modified system going please post on it.

Just my opinion.

This is the long version where I talk about how it was built and the problems I had.


I would very much recommend wind power over electric for a couple of reasons 1 possible accidental ignition with electric. 2 Wind is quiet and can be built away from the shelter. Simple and no need to replace motors or belts as I had to do when I was using that drum with electric power. I want to build 2 like this only better and another to pump air for tire inflation


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