NNPG List Of Forums > Prepping for Kids

Website - Parental Rights Matter to Us All


This effort is directed at re-establishing and re-defining exactly what is meant by the term "parental rights".  It also plans to effect changes in the current state of said "parental rights".

The website has more explanation and suggestions on steps to be taken.


If you are involved in home schooling of your children, you already know about the difficulties faced by parents,  particularly when dealing with the current system of policy and law.

DO NOTE: Home schooling is NOT THE ONLY FOCUS.  So even if you have no children, you may find other areas of interest on this website.

I encourage every member of this group (NNPG) to browse this website and draw your own conclusions.

Your feedback, here, may help others to understand why this is important in our society, right now.

Let me start by stating that I have been involved, some years ago, in the "higher" education system, specifically college level teaching.  I saw the result, even back then, of the public school system.  Those students who reached me, at college level, were already showing signs of, for lack of a better term, indoctrination.

Now, in 2017, I see where this system has gotten us to, as a society.  I am not encouraged, hence the reason I post this link and encourage you to think about how we might (better) raise our children...

Note that this is in California too!

Homeschoolers Turn Out in Droves to Defeat Intrusive California Bill


Perhaps there is hope left for Californians, at least some of them...

I do see this attempted legislation as being driven by the public school system, including those who call themselves "teachers".  Add to that, the teaching unions whose motivation is money...

Power and control... Follow the money.

My expectation is that many other state school systems want this kind of legal leverage on their "playing field".  I've been on that field.  It does exist, in their own minds even if not in reality.

I regard home schooling as a very legitimate prepper activity.  Consider what is Not taught in the public school system about prepping and survivalism.  This is a gaping hole in the curricula.


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