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Article - 5 Things Prepper Parents Should Know About Homeschooling


Two points before you read this article:

1)  Home schooling IS a good idea.

2)  In a PAW (Post Apocalyptic World) or even a "merely" long term downturn in our society, those who are set up to home school, now, will have a distinct advantage over those who must scramble to learn while surviving a crisis.

Use this link from the article to check your state of residence.

Home School Legal Defense Association

The article contains numerous links to outside resources, some recommended and other not so much.


As a product of the public schools system myself AND someone who spent years working within that system, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND home schooling.  I cannot state that with any more emphasis and encouragement.  At least Look at it now, while you have the option and the resources are easily available.


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